the time to innovate is today

Five Critical Points for e-Commerce in 2023

Alin Osan


2023 is another year and perhaps you think it’s time to evaluate your e-commerce strategy. What are the necessary steps to succeed in 2023? E-commerce has seen tremendous growth over the past few years, and it’s not slowing down any time soon. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of five critical points to keep in mind as you navigate the ever-changing landscape of e-commerce in 2023.

Cash flow

When it comes to e-commerce, cash flow is still king or queen, your choice of major importance. Look at your current cash flow and identify any potential risks or opportunities for future growth.

How is your business making money?

If you rely heavily on one customer channel for your cash flow, it might be time to diversify and explore new avenues. Alternatively, you may identify an opportunity to introduce a new product or service with the potential to generate significant cash flow.

The time to innovate is today.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to consider both short-term and long-term strategies for maintaining a healthy cash flow.


E-commerce is not without its specific risks, and it’s crucial to identify and address them before they become bigger problems. Are you at risk of losing customers due to poor website performance or security issues? Logistics for e-commerce is not fundamentally different than any other operation. The risk of running out of inventory or experiencing delays in physical product delivery still remains. By identifying these risks early on, you can take the necessary steps to mitigate them and protect your business.

Evaluate frequently all risks in your risk matrix and determine the cash flow effect, based on likelihood and impact. Understand the cost of each risk and use sound financials for a good course of action. Always start with high likelihood and high impact risks first.


Opportunities come with any risk mitigation actions. Innovation sustains opportunities to grow and expand your business.

Make innovation a constant source of opportunities to grow your business.

Are you able to leverage new technologies to enhance the customer experience or explore new markets to expand your customer base? Think creatively and be open to new opportunities to help your business thrive. Create a cash flow financial forecast to understand the difference between “as is” cash flow and “to be” cash flow. Use your best judgement and listen to your team.


As you identify risks and opportunities, don’t forget the costs in time and money of implementing new strategies, including the cost of the option “do nothing”.

Consider the cost of technology, marketing, and staff impact. Determine the investment amount and timeline needed to fix risks and capture opportunities effectively. Be mindful of your budget and make sure your investment supports with your business goals. Doing nothing comes at a cost too. Don’t make the mistake of doing something at a higher cost than doing nothing, for equal or fewer benefits. Many still believe doing something is better than doing nothing.


Finally, define the correct feedback loops to measure early and often what course correction your implementation requires. Don’t fight to adjust reality to your plans. Evaluate and adjust often and early. Collect customer feedback and internal feedback, tracking website analytics and monitor sales data. By regularly reviewing and analysing this data, you can make informed decisions and keep your e-commerce strategy on track.


E-commerce is an ever-evolving landscape, it’s not easy to stay ahead of the game if you want to succeed. By keeping these critical points in mind, you can help your e-commerce strategy be effective and aligned with your business goals. Remember to regularly assess your cash flow, identify risks and opportunities, be mindful of costs, and collect constant feedback to make informed decisions.

With these steps in place, you’ll be well on your way to a successful e-commerce strategy in 2023.

Don’t let your e-commerce strategy fall behind.

Take the time to review and implement these critical points to ensure that your business is stays for success in 2023. By regularly assessing your cash flow, identifying risks and opportunities, being mindful of costs, and collecting feedback, you can push ahead of the game and grow your business.

Connect with me for more strategy and innovation insights.




